ESO Patch 1.0.5 is up and running. It features more critical fixes to quests and progress-breaking bugs.
Here are the notes for patch 1.0.5.
ESO Patch 1.0.5 is up and running. It features more critical fixes to quests and progress-breaking bugs.
Here are the notes for patch 1.0.5.
Zenimax has taken action against players who have been using an exploit to duplicate items in ESO, gaining millions of gold in the process. Zenimax started tackling the exploit yesterday, when the guild bank system was temporarily disabled and some guild bank feature fixes were applied.
Community Manager Jessica Folsom on item duping:
Yesterday, we identified an item duping bug in ESO that some players chose to exploit. We acted quickly, and have since fixed the issue. We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to abusing exploitable bugs, and those who were found doing so have has their game account permanently banned.
ESO Patch 1.0.4 fixes critical issues with missing bank slots, stored bank items and skill points.
The patch also includes a fix to how items stack in guild bank.
Arx Corinium is the third 4-man group dungeon for the Ebonheart Pact in ESO. The dungeon is tuned to level 28-31 players in normal mode, and is located in the western / southwestern part of Shadowfen.
The other alliances can complete this dungeon after first running through their own level 28-31 dungeons: City of Ash and Crypt of Hearts.
This guide explains the boss fights of Arx Corinium in detail & provides strategies to defeat the bosses.
Crypt of Hearts is the third 4-man group dungeon for the Daggerfall Covenant in Elder Scrolls Online. The dungeon is tuned to level 28-31 players in normal mode, and is located in the southeastern Rivenspire.
The other alliances can complete this dungeon after first running through their own level 28-31 dungeons: City of Ash and Arx Corinium.
This guide explains the Crypt of Hearts boss fights in detail.
In the Round-up: • Bot / Cheater Woes • Bank and Inventory mysteriously disappearing • Latest Patch Notes • Upcoming Game Fixes • Tamriel Journal Updates of the Week •
City of Ash is the third 4-man group dungeon for the Aldmeri Dominion in Elder Scrolls Online. The dungeon is tuned to level 28-31 players in normal mode, and is located in the northeastern part of Greenshade.
The other alliances can complete this dungeon after first running through their own level 28-31 dungeons: Crypt of Hearts and Arx Corinium.
This dungeon guide explains the main boss mechanics in City of Ash.
Zenimax just posted the latest patch (1.0.3) notes. Like patch 1.0.2 this patch focuses mostly on fixing quest issues.
Zenimax posted an Ask us Anything article on Craglorn, the first adventure zone in ESO. In the article they confirm that the future content updates will not be focusing on group content only – you can expect a larger variety of content.
Here’s a bullet point summary of the article.
To some, mounts are just a useful way to get from point A to point B in MMOs. To others, mounts are almost like a status symbol. At this stage of the game, Elder Scrolls Online does not have a large selection of mounts, nor are they very flashy.
What ESO does have, however, is a unique progression system for mounts, which allows the player to level up their mounts and customize them to suit their playstyle & different situations better. Think of it as a levelling system for mounts.
This guide focuses on mounts in ESO, and includes an overview of the available mounts in game. Which mounts are worth aiming for, which ones should you avoid?