Starting on Monday, July 7th, the veteran system in ESO sees its first major changes. Zenimax already announced their plans to tweak veteran content back in late May.
As expected, the difficulty level of veteran content is being lowered. After the balance changes are implemented, VR content will be more suited for solo play, matching the 1-50 gameplay experience.
On launch, Zenimax wanted to encourage players to group up for Veteran Content. This is the main reason for the current step up in difficulty comparing to level 1-50 content. Simply put, VR content wasn’t tailored for solo players. A solo player could certainly reach the level cap, but grouping up makes it that much faster and easier comparing to 1-50. This will now change, at least up to a point.
There are more VR system changes coming in the near future; this is just the beginning.
You can read Community Manager Jessica Folsom’s full post on VR content changes below.